The Star Team

Editor: Lucianna Gallucci

Distribution: Graham Hadley

Typists: Sharon Greenaway

Distributors and Helpers: June and Geoff Lodge, Joy Tudberry, Fran Lee, Dennis Till, Ann Robins, Beryl Dickens, Hilda and Nesson Hughes, Gordon Ashworth, Annette Marshall, Peter Snowball, Heather Reid, Louisa Scott, Charlotte Arrowsmith, Jill Swannack, Mrs. Richardson, Barry Bown, Peter Brown, Chris Foster, Karen Varley, Christie and Rob Willis, Debbie Smith, Angela Walker, Andrew Cook, Christine Bailey.

Website: Nick Arrowsmith -

Village Representatives

Scrooby: Izzi Marshall, The Chapel, Chapel Lane - 01302 719190

Torworth: Derek Gill, 26 Underwood Avenue - 01777 818745

Ranskill: Joy Tudberry, 38, Arundel Drive - 01777 818419

Management Committee

Chair: Paula Hadley

Treasurer: Paula Hadley

Editorial: Lucianna Gallucci, Tim Cotton

Advertising: Bill Arrowsmith - 07801 633211

All articles for publication to Village Representatives or by Email to: as early as possible but no later than the 16th of each month.